Package-level declarations
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fun OptionWithValues<Boolean, Boolean, Boolean>.prompt(text: String, default: Boolean? = null, uppercaseDefault: Boolean = true, showChoices: Boolean = true, choiceStrings: List<String> = listOf("y", "n"), promptSuffix: String = ": ", invalidChoiceMessage: String = "Invalid value, choose from "): OptionWithValues<Boolean, Boolean, Boolean>
fun <T : Any> NullableOption<T, T>.prompt(text: String? = null, default: T? = null, hideInput: Boolean = false, promptSuffix: String = ": ", showDefault: Boolean = true, requireConfirmation: Boolean = false, confirmationPrompt: String = "Repeat for confirmation", confirmationMismatchMessage: String = "Values do not match, try again"): OptionWithValues<T, T, T>
If the option isn't given on the command line, prompt the user for manual input.