Package-level declarations


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class ChainedCompletionCommand<T>(help: String = "Generate a tab-complete script for the given shell", epilog: String = "", name: String = "generate-completion") : CoreChainedCliktCommand<T>

A CoreChainedCliktCommand subcommand that will print a completion script for the given shell when invoked.

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Configurations for generating shell autocomplete suggestions

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class CompletionCommand(help: String = "Generate a tab-complete script for the given shell", epilog: String = "", name: String = "generate-completion") : CoreCliktCommand

A subcommand that will print a completion script for the given shell when invoked.

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class SuspendingCompletionCommand(help: String = "Generate a tab-complete script for the given shell", epilog: String = "", name: String = "generate-completion") : CoreSuspendingCliktCommand

A CoreSuspendingCliktCommand subcommand that will print a completion script for the given shell when invoked.


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fun <T : BaseCliktCommand<*>> T.completionOption(vararg names: String = arrayOf("--generate-completion"), help: String = "", hidden: Boolean = false): T

Add an option to a command that will print a completion script for the given shell when invoked.