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data class Argument(val name: String, val help: String, val required: Boolean, val repeatable: Boolean, val tags: Map<String, String>) : HelpFormatter.ParameterHelp
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data class Group(val name: String, val help: String) : HelpFormatter.ParameterHelp

Help for an option group. If the group doesn't have a name or help, you don't need to create an instance of this class for it.

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data class Option(val names: Set<String>, val secondaryNames: Set<String>, val metavar: String?, val help: String, val nvalues: IntRange, val tags: Map<String, String>, val acceptsNumberValueWithoutName: Boolean, val acceptsUnattachedValue: Boolean, val groupName: String?) : HelpFormatter.ParameterHelp
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data class Subcommand(val name: String, val help: String, val tags: Map<String, String>) : HelpFormatter.ParameterHelp