Package-level declarations
Checks whether this stream was returned from an inputStream parameter, and that it is reading from System. in (because -
was given, or no value was given and the parameter uses defaultStdin).
Checks whether this stream was returned from an outputStream parameter, and that it is writing to System.out (because -
was given, or no value was given and the parameter uses defaultStdout).
Convert the argument values to Boolean
Convert the option values to Boolean
Convert the argument based on a fixed set of values.
Restrict the argument to a fixed set of values.
Convert the option based on a fixed set of values.
Restrict the option to a fixed set of values.
Use -
as the default value for an inputStream argument.
Use -
as the default value for an inputStream option.
Use -
as the default value for an outputStream argument.
Use -
as the default value for an outputStream option.
Convert the argument values to a Double
Convert the option values to a Double
Convert the argument to the values of an enum.
Convert the option to the values of an enum.
Convert the argument to a File.
Convert the option to a File.
Convert the argument values to a Float
Convert the option values to a Float
Convert the argument to an InputStream.
Convert the option to an InputStream.
Convert the argument values to an Int
Convert the option values to an Int
Convert the argument values to a Long
Convert the option values to an Long
Convert the argument to an OutputStream.
Convert the option to an OutputStream.
Convert the argument to a Path.
Convert the option to a Path.
Restrict the argument values to fit into a range.
Restrict the option values to fit into a range.
Convert the argument values to an UInt
Convert the option values to a UInt
Convert the argument values to a ULong
Convert the option values to a ULong