value class RGBInt(val argb: UInt) : Color

A representation of RGB that packs color components into a single integer.

This is an inline value class stores the color as a packed argb integer, such as those returned from android.graphics.Color.argb or java.awt.image.BufferedImage.getRGB.

This color always uses the sRGB color space.

You can destructure this class into r, g, b, and a components: val (r, g, b, a) = RGBInt(0xaa112233u)

rred[0, 255]
ggreen[0, 255]
bblue[0, 255]


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constructor(r: UByte, g: UByte, b: UByte, alpha: UByte = 0xff.toUByte())
constructor(r: Int, g: Int, b: Int, alpha: Int = 255)
constructor(r: Float, g: Float, b: Float, alpha: Float = 1.0f)

Construct an RGBInt instance from Float value in the range [0, 1]

constructor(argb: UInt)


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Default constructors for RGBInt.


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val a: UByte

The alpha component scaled to [0, 255]

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open override val alpha: Float

The opacity of this color, in the range [0, 1], or NaN if the opacity is unspecified

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val argb: UInt
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val b: UByte

The blue component, in the range [0, 255]

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The blue component as a Float in the range [0, 1]

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val g: UByte

The green component, in the range [0, 255]

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The green component as a Float in the range [0, 1]

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val r: UByte

The red component, in the range [0, 255]

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The red component as a Float in the range [0, 1]

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open override val space: ColorSpace<RGBInt>

The color space describing this color


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open override fun clamp(): RGBInt

Return a copy of this color with all component values in their reference range.

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operator fun component1(): UByte
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operator fun component2(): UByte
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operator fun component3(): UByte
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operator fun component4(): UByte
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fun <T : Color> Color.convertTo(space: ColorSpace<T>): T

Convert this color to a given space.

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Calculate the difference ΔEab between this color and other using the CIE 2000 recommendation.

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Calculate the difference ΔEab between this color and other using the CIE 1976 recommendation.

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fun Color.differenceCIE94(other: Color, textiles: Boolean = false): Float

Calculate the difference ΔEab between this color and other using the CIE 1994 recommendation.

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fun Color.differenceCMC(other: Color, l: Float = 2.0f, c: Float = 1.0f): Float

Calculate the difference ΔEcmc between this color and other using the Colour Measurement Committee recommendation.

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Calculate the difference ΔEz between this color and other using the JzAzBz color space.

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fun Color.firstWithContrast(vararg colors: Color, targetContrast: Float): Color

Return the first color with a contrast ratio exceeding the targetContrast against this color. If no color meets the target, black or white will be returned, whichever has the most contrast.

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fun Color.firstWithContrastOrNull(vararg colors: Color, targetContrast: Float): Color?

Return the first color with a contrast ratio greater or equal to the targetContrast against this color, or null if no color meets the target.

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fun Color.formatCssString(hueUnit: AngleUnit = AngleUnit.AUTO, renderAlpha: RenderCondition = RenderCondition.AUTO, unitsPercent: Boolean = false, alphaPercent: Boolean = false, legacyName: Boolean = false, legacyFormat: Boolean = false, customColorSpaces: Map<String, ColorSpace<*>> = emptyMap()): String

Render this color in CSS functional notation.

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fun Color.formatCssStringOrNull(hueUnit: AngleUnit = AngleUnit.AUTO, renderAlpha: RenderCondition = RenderCondition.AUTO, unitsPercent: Boolean = false, alphaPercent: Boolean = false, legacyName: Boolean = false, legacyFormat: Boolean = false, customColorSpaces: Map<String, ColorSpace<*>> = emptyMap()): String?

Render this color in CSS functional notation if this color space is defined in the CSS standard, or return null if this color is in another color space.

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Return true if all channels of this color, when converted to sRGB, lie in the range [0, 1]

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fun Color.mostContrasting(vararg colors: Color): Color

Return the color with the highest contrast ratio against this color.

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open fun toAnsi16(): Ansi16

Convert this color to a 16-color ANSI code

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open fun toAnsi256(): Ansi256

Convert this color to a 256-color ANSI code

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open override fun toArray(): FloatArray

Create a FloatArray containing all components of this color, with the alpha as the last component

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open fun toCMYK(): CMYK

Convert this color to device-independent CMYK

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fun toHex(withNumberSign: Boolean = true, renderAlpha: RenderCondition = AUTO): String

Convert this color to an RGB hex string.

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open fun toHPLuv(): HPLuv

Convert this color to HPLuv

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open fun toHSL(): HSL

Convert this color to HSL

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open fun toHSLuv(): HSLuv

Convert this color to HSLuv

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open fun toHSV(): HSV

Convert this color to HSV

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open fun toHWB(): HWB

Convert this color to HWB

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open fun toICtCp(): ICtCp

Convert this color to ICtCp

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open fun toJzAzBz(): JzAzBz

Convert this color to JzAzBz

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open fun toJzCzHz(): JzCzHz

Convert this color to JzCzHz

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open fun toLAB(): LAB

Convert this color to CIE LAB

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open fun toLCHab(): LCHab

Convert this color to CIE LCh(ab)

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open fun toLCHuv(): LCHuv

Convert this color to CIE LCh(uv)

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open fun toLUV(): LUV

Convert this color to CIE LUV

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open fun toOklab(): Oklab

Convert this color to Oklab

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open fun toOklch(): Oklch

Convert this color to Oklch

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fun toRGBA(): UInt

Convert this color to an integer packed in RGBA order.

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open override fun toSRGB(): RGB

Convert this color to sRGB

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open fun toXYZ(): XYZ

Convert this color to CIE XYZ

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Calculate the contrast ration of this color with other according to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines

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Calculate the relative luminance of this color according to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines