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Mordant is a multiplatform library for rendering styled text in the terminal. You can use it to add color and style to text, create tables, draw animations, and more.

Mordant has:

  • Easy colorful ANSI output with automatic detection of terminal capabilities
  • Markdown rendering directly to the terminal
  • Widgets for laying out terminal output, including lists, tables, panels, and more
  • Support for animating any widget, like progress bars and dashboards


Mordant is distributed through Maven Central.

dependencies {

    // optional extensions for running animations with coroutines

    // optional widget for rendering Markdown

On JVM, there are more granular dependencies available. See the docs for details.

If you’re using Maven instead of Gradle, use <artifactId>mordant-jvm</artifactId>


Snapshot builds are also available

You'll need to add the Sonatype snapshots repository:

repositories {
    maven {
        url = uri("")