Package-level declarations


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class BorderType(val head: BorderTypeSection, val headBottom: BorderTypeSection, val body: BorderTypeSection, val bodyBottom: BorderTypeSection, val foot: BorderTypeSection)

Characters to use to draw borders on a table or other box widget.

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class BorderTypeSection(val es: String, val esw: String, val sw: String, val nes: String, val nesw: String, val nsw: String, val ne: String, val new: String, val nw: String, val ew: String, val ns: String, val s: String, val n: String, val w: String, val e: String)

Characters to use for one section of a BorderType

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data class Line(val spans: List<Span>, val endStyle: TextStyle) : List<Span>
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class Lines(val lines: List<Line>)

A lines, where each line is a list of Spans.

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Setting for handling of long words that exceed the line length by themselves.

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class Span

A word or string of whitespace and an associated style.

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Default text colors that can be used to style text.

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interface TextStyle

Styles that can be applied to text by terminals that support it.

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Default text style that can be applied to text.

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sealed class Theme
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Settings for handling of whitespace and line wrapping.

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interface Widget
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data class WidthRange(val min: Int, val max: Int)


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operator fun Theme): Theme

Create a new theme by replacing or adding entries to this theme from an other theme.

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fun TextStyle(color: Color? = null, bgColor: Color? = null, bold: Boolean? = null, italic: Boolean? = null, underline: Boolean? = null, dim: Boolean? = null, inverse: Boolean? = null, strikethrough: Boolean? = null, hyperlink: String? = null): TextStyle
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fun Theme(from: Theme = Theme.Default, init: ThemeBuilder.() -> Unit): Theme