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class ConfirmationPrompt<T : Any>(firstPrompt: Prompt<T>, secondPrompt: Prompt<T>, valueMismatchMessage: String = "Values do not match, try again")

A prompt that requires the user to enter the same value twice.

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sealed class ConversionResult<out T>
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interface CursorMovements
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data class PrintRequest(val text: String, val trailingLinebreak: Boolean, val stderr: Boolean)
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abstract class Prompt<T>(prompt: String, val terminal: Terminal, default: T? = null, showDefault: Boolean = true, showChoices: Boolean = true, hideInput: Boolean = false, choices: Collection<T> = emptyList(), promptSuffix: String = ": ", invalidChoiceMessage: String = "Invalid value, choose from ")

The base class for prompts.

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class StringPrompt(prompt: String, terminal: Terminal, default: String? = null, showDefault: Boolean = false, showChoices: Boolean = true, hideInput: Boolean = false, choices: List<String> = emptyList(), promptSuffix: String = ": ", invalidChoiceMessage: String = "Invalid value, choose from ", allowBlank: Boolean = true) : Prompt<String>

A Prompt that returns the user input unchanged.

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class Terminal

Functions for printing styled text to the terminal.

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TextStyles that are automatically downsampled to the level supported by the current terminal.

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interface TerminalCursor
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data class TerminalInfo(var width: Int, var height: Int, var ansiLevel: AnsiLevel, var ansiHyperLinks: Boolean, val outputInteractive: Boolean, val inputInteractive: Boolean, val crClearsLine: Boolean)

Information about the current terminal

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A TerminalInterface that records all output and allows you to provide input.

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class YesNoPrompt(prompt: String, terminal: Terminal, default: Boolean? = null, uppercaseDefault: Boolean = true, showChoices: Boolean = true, choiceStrings: List<String> = listOf("y", "n"), promptSuffix: String = ": ", invalidChoiceMessage: String = "Invalid value, choose from ") : Prompt<Boolean>

A boolean prompt that asks for a yes or no response.


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fun TerminalRecorder.outputAsHtml(includeBodyTag: Boolean = true, includeCodeTag: Boolean = true, backgroundColor: Color? = SRGB("#0c0c0c")): String

Render the contents of this TerminalRecorder as an HTML document.