Package-level declarations


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An internal error that signals Clikt to abort.

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A parameter was given the correct number of values, but of invalid format or type.

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abstract class CliktCommand(help: String = "", epilog: String = "", name: String? = null, val invokeWithoutSubcommand: Boolean = false, val printHelpOnEmptyArgs: Boolean = false, val helpTags: Map<String, String> = emptyMap(), autoCompleteEnvvar: String? = "", allowMultipleSubcommands: Boolean = false, treatUnknownOptionsAsArgs: Boolean = false, hidden: Boolean = false) : ParameterHolder

The CliktCommand is the core of command line interfaces in Clikt.

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open class CliktError(message: String? = null, cause: Exception? = null, val statusCode: Int = 1, val printError: Boolean = true) : RuntimeException

An exception during command line processing that should be shown to the user.

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class Context

An object used to control command line parsing and pass data between commands.

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An interface for CliktErrors that have a context attached

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class FileNotFound(val filename: String) : UsageError

A required configuration file was not found.

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An option that can be added to a ParameterGroup

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class IncorrectArgumentValueCount(val nvalues: Int, argument: Argument) : UsageError

An argument was supplied but the number of values supplied was incorrect.

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class IncorrectOptionValueCount(minValues: Int, var paramName: String) : UsageError

An option was supplied but the number of values supplied to the option was incorrect.

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class InvalidFileFormat(filename: String, message: String, lineno: Int? = null) : UsageError

A configuration file failed to parse correctly

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A required argument was not provided

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A required option was not provided

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Multiple usage errors occurred.

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Multiple mutually exclusive options were supplied.

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open class NoOpCliktCommand(help: String = "", epilog: String = "", name: String? = null, val invokeWithoutSubcommand: Boolean = false, val printHelpOnEmptyArgs: Boolean = false, val helpTags: Map<String, String> = emptyMap(), autoCompleteEnvvar: String? = "", allowMultipleSubcommands: Boolean = false, hidden: Boolean = false) : CliktCommand

A CliktCommand that has a default implementation of that is a no-op.

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class NoSuchOption(var paramName: String, possibilities: List<String> = emptyList()) : UsageError

An option was provided that does not exist.

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class NoSuchSubcommand(var paramName: String, possibilities: List<String> = emptyList()) : UsageError

A subcommand was provided that does not exist.

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interface ParameterHolder
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annotation class ParameterHolderDsl
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An exception that indicates that shell completion code should be printed.

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class PrintHelpMessage(var context: Context?, val error: Boolean = false, val statusCode: Int = 0) : CliktError, ContextCliktError

An exception that indicates that the command's help should be printed.

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open class PrintMessage(message: String, val statusCode: Int = 0, val printError: Boolean = false) : CliktError

An exception that indicates that a message should be printed.

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open class ProgramResult(val statusCode: Int) : CliktError

Indicate that the program finished in a controlled manner, and should complete with the given statusCode

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typealias TypoSuggestor = (enteredValue: String, possibleValues: List<String>) -> List<String>
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open class UsageError(message: String?, var paramName: String? = null, val statusCode: Int = 1) : CliktError, ContextCliktError

An exception that signals a user error.


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val CliktCommand.terminal: Terminal

A short for accessing the terminal from the currentContext

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val Context.theme: Theme

The current terminal's theme


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fun <T : CliktCommand> T.context(block: Context.Builder.() -> Unit): T

Configure this command's Context.

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Find the closest object of type T, or null

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inline fun <T : Any> CliktCommand.findOrSetObject(crossinline default: () -> T): ReadOnlyProperty<CliktCommand, T>

Find the closest object of type T, setting context.obj if one is not found.

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Find the closest object of type T, or throw a NullPointerException

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fun <T : CliktCommand> T.subcommands(vararg commands: CliktCommand): T

Add the given commands as a subcommand of this command.