
abstract fun <AllT, ValueT> copy(transformValue: ArgValueTransformer<ValueT>, transformAll: ArgCallsTransformer<AllT, ValueT>, validator: ArgValidator<AllT>, name: String =, nvalues: Int = this.nvalues, required: Boolean = this.required, helpGetter: HelpTransformContext.() -> String? = this.helpGetter, helpTags: Map<String, String> = this.helpTags, completionCandidates: CompletionCandidates? = explicitCompletionCandidates): ProcessedArgument<AllT, ValueT>

Create a new argument that is a copy of this one with different transforms.

abstract fun copy(validator: ArgValidator<AllT> = this.transformValidator, name: String =, nvalues: Int = this.nvalues, required: Boolean = this.required, helpGetter: HelpTransformContext.() -> String? = this.helpGetter, helpTags: Map<String, String> = this.helpTags, completionCandidates: CompletionCandidates? = explicitCompletionCandidates): ProcessedArgument<AllT, ValueT>

Create a new argument that is a copy of this one with the same transforms.