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fun <T> copy(transformAll: MutuallyExclusiveOptionsTransform<OptT, T>): MutuallyExclusiveOptions<OptT, T>
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If none of the options in a mutuallyExclusiveOptions group are given on the command line, us value for the group.
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Called after all of a command's parameters have been finalized to perform validation of the final values.
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open operator override fun provideDelegate(thisRef: BaseCliktCommand<*>, property: KProperty<*>): ReadOnlyProperty<BaseCliktCommand<*>, OutT>
Implementations must call BaseCliktCommand<*>.registerOptionGroup
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Make a mutuallyExclusiveOptions group required. If none of the options in the group are given, a UsageError is thrown.
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If more than one of the group's options are given on the command line, throw a MutuallyExclusiveGroupException