
class OptionCallTransformContext(val name: String, val option: Option, val context: Context) : Option, TransformContext

A receiver for options transformers.


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constructor(name: String, option: Option, context: Context)


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If true, this option can be specified without a name e.g. -2 instead of -o2

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open override val acceptsUnattachedValue: Boolean

If false, invocations must be of the form --foo=1 or -f1. If true, the forms --foo 1 and -f 1 are also accepted.

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Optional set of strings to use when the user invokes shell autocomplete on a value for this option.

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open override val context: Context

The current command context

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open override val eager: Boolean

If true, the presence of this option on the command line will halt parsing immediately

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open override val helpTags: Map<String, String>

Extra information about this option to pass to the help formatter.

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open override val hidden: Boolean

If true, this option should not appear in help output.

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The name that was used to invoke this option.

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open override val names: Set<String>

The names that can be used to invoke this option. They must start with a punctuation character.

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open override val nvalues: IntRange

The min and max number of values that must be given to this option.

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The option that was invoked

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open override val secondaryNames: Set<String>

Names that can be used for a secondary purpose, like disabling flag options.

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The terminal for the current context

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The theme for the current context

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open override val valueSourceKey: String?

Optional explicit key to use when looking this option up from a ValueSource


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open override fun fail(message: String): Nothing

Throw an exception indicating that usage was incorrect.

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open override fun finalize(context: Context, invocations: List<Invocation>)

Called after this command's argv is parsed to transform and store the option's value.

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Issue a message that can be shown to the user

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open override fun metavar(context: Context): String?

A name representing the values for this option that can be displayed to the user.

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open override fun optionHelp(context: Context): String

The description of this option, usually a single line.

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Information about this option for the help output.

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open override fun postValidate(context: Context)

Called after all of a command's parameters have been finalized to perform validation of the final value.

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inline fun require(value: Boolean, lazyMessage: () -> String = { "" })

If value is false, call fail with the output of lazyMessage