
inline fun <InT : Any, ValueT : Any> NullableOption<InT, InT>.convert(metavar: String, completionCandidates: CompletionCandidates? = null, crossinline conversion: ValueConverter<InT, ValueT>): NullableOption<ValueT, ValueT>

Convert the option's value type.

The conversion is called once for each value in each invocation of the option. If any errors are thrown, they are caught and a BadParameterValue is thrown with the error message. You can call fail to throw a BadParameterValue manually.

You can call convert more than once to wrap the result of the previous convert, but it cannot be called after transformAll (e.g. multiple) or transformValues (e.g. pair).


val bd: BigDecimal? by option().convert { it.toBigDecimal() }
val fileText: ByteArray? by option().file().convert { it.readBytes() }



The metavar for the type. Overridden by a metavar passed to option.


candidates to use when completing this option in shell autocomplete, if no candidates are specified in option

inline fun <InT : Any, ValueT : Any> NullableOption<InT, InT>.convert(noinline metavar: Context.() -> String = { localization.defaultMetavar() }, completionCandidates: CompletionCandidates? = null, crossinline conversion: ValueConverter<InT, ValueT>): NullableOption<ValueT, ValueT>

Convert the option's value type.

The conversion is called once for each value in each invocation of the option. If any errors are thrown, they are caught and a BadParameterValue is thrown with the error message. You can call fail to throw a BadParameterValue manually.

You can call convert more than once to wrap the result of the previous convert, but it cannot be called after transformAll (e.g. multiple) or transformValues (e.g. pair).


val bd: BigDecimal? by option().convert { it.toBigDecimal() }
val fileText: ByteArray? by option().file().convert { it.readBytes() }



A lambda returning the metavar for the type. The lambda has a Context receiver for access to localization. Overridden by a metavar passed to option.


candidates to use when completing this option in shell autocomplete, if no candidates are specified in option

Convert this flag's value type.

The conversion is called once with the final value of the option. If any errors are thrown, they are caught and a BadParameterValue is thrown with the error message. You can call fail to throw a BadParameterValue manually.


val loud by option().flag().convert { if (it) Volume.Loud else Volume.Soft }