Package-level declarations


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abstract class Animation<T>(trailingLinebreak: Boolean = true, val terminal: Terminal)

An Animation renders a widget to the screen each time update is called, clearing the render from the previous call.

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interface Refreshable
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A version of Animation that has a parameterless refresh method instead of update.


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The time between refreshes. This is 1 / refreshRate


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inline fun <T> Terminal.animation(trailingLinebreak: Boolean = true, crossinline draw: (T) -> Widget): Animation<T>

Create an Animation that uses the draw function to render objects of type T.

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inline fun Animation<Unit>.asRefreshable(fps: Int = 5, crossinline finished: () -> Boolean = { false }): RefreshableAnimation

Convert this Animation to a RefreshableAnimation.

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inline fun <T> Terminal.textAnimation(whitespace: Whitespace = Whitespace.PRE, align: TextAlign = TextAlign.NONE, overflowWrap: OverflowWrap = OverflowWrap.NORMAL, width: Int? = null, tabWidth: Int? = null, trailingLinebreak: Boolean = true, crossinline draw: (T) -> String): Animation<T>

Create an Animation that wraps the result of the draw function into a Text widget and renders it.