
The cells and configuration for a progress bar layout.



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abstract val alignColumns: Boolean

How to align the columns of the progress bar when multiple tasks are present.

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abstract val cells: List<ProgressBarCell<T>>

The cells in this layout.

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abstract val spacing: Int

The spacing between cells in this layout.


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fun ProgressBarDefinition<Unit>.animateOnThread(terminal: Terminal, total: Long? = null, completed: Long = 0, start: Boolean = true, visible: Boolean = true, clearWhenFinished: Boolean = false, speedEstimateDuration: Duration = 30.seconds, timeSource: TimeSource.WithComparableMarks = TimeSource.Monotonic, maker: ProgressBarWidgetMaker = MultiProgressBarWidgetMaker): ThreadProgressTaskAnimator<Unit>

Create a progress bar animation for a single task that runs synchronously.

fun <T> ProgressBarDefinition<T>.animateOnThread(terminal: Terminal, context: T, total: Long? = null, completed: Long = 0, start: Boolean = true, visible: Boolean = true, clearWhenFinished: Boolean = false, speedEstimateDuration: Duration = 30.seconds, timeSource: TimeSource.WithComparableMarks = TimeSource.Monotonic, maker: ProgressBarWidgetMaker = MultiProgressBarWidgetMaker): ThreadProgressTaskAnimator<T>

Create a progress bar animation with a single task that runs synchronously.

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fun <T> ProgressBarDefinition<T>.build(state: ProgressState<T>, maker: ProgressBarWidgetMaker = MultiProgressBarWidgetMaker): Widget

Create a widget for this ProgressBarDefinition with the given state.

fun ProgressBarDefinition<Unit>.build(total: Long?, completed: Long, displayedTime: ComparableTimeMark, status: ProgressState.Status = ProgressState.Status.NotStarted, speed: Double? = null, maker: ProgressBarWidgetMaker = MultiProgressBarWidgetMaker): Widget
fun <T> ProgressBarDefinition<T>.build(context: T, total: Long?, completed: Long, displayedTime: ComparableTimeMark, status: ProgressState.Status = ProgressState.Status.NotStarted, speed: Double? = null, maker: ProgressBarWidgetMaker = MultiProgressBarWidgetMaker): Widget

Create a widget for this ProgressBarDefinition with the given state.

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Cache this progress bar definition so that each cell only updates as often as its fps.