Package-level declarations


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A callback that transforms all the calls to the final option type.

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A block that converts a flag value from one type to another

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interface Option

An optional command line parameter that takes a fixed number of values.

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class OptionCallTransformContext(val name: String, val option: Option, val context: Context) : Option, TransformContext

A receiver for options transformers.

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class OptionTransformContext(val option: Option, val context: Context) : Option, TransformContext

A receiver for options transformers.

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A callback validates the final option type

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An Option that takes one or more values.

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A block that converts a single value from one type to another

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A callback that transforms all values for each call after the individual values have been converted.

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A callback that transforms a single value from a string to the value type

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data class ValueWithDefault<out T>(val explicit: T?, val default: T)

A container for a value that can have a default value and can be manually set


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Change this option to take multiple values, each split on a delimiter, and converted to a map.

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inline fun <AllT, EachT, ValueT> OptionWithValues<AllT, EachT, ValueT>.check(crossinline lazyMessage: (AllT & Any) -> String = { it.toString() }, crossinline validator: (AllT & Any) -> Boolean): OptionDelegate<AllT>

Check the final argument value and raise an error if it's not valid.

inline fun <AllT, EachT, ValueT> OptionWithValues<AllT, EachT, ValueT>.check(message: String, crossinline validator: (AllT & Any) -> Boolean): OptionDelegate<AllT>

Check the final option value and raise an error if it's not valid.

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Convert this flag's value type.

inline fun <InT : Any, ValueT : Any> NullableOption<InT, InT>.convert(noinline metavar: Context.() -> String = { localization.defaultMetavar() }, completionCandidates: CompletionCandidates? = null, crossinline conversion: ValueConverter<InT, ValueT>): NullableOption<ValueT, ValueT>
inline fun <InT : Any, ValueT : Any> NullableOption<InT, InT>.convert(metavar: String, completionCandidates: CompletionCandidates? = null, crossinline conversion: ValueConverter<InT, ValueT>): NullableOption<ValueT, ValueT>

Convert the option's value type.

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Turn an option into a flag that counts the number of times it occurs on the command line.

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fun <EachT : Any, ValueT> NullableOption<EachT, ValueT>.default(value: EachT, defaultForHelp: String = value.toString()): OptionWithValues<EachT, EachT, ValueT>

If the option is not called on the command line (and is not set in an envvar), use value for the option.

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inline fun <EachT, ValueT> NullableOption<EachT, ValueT>.defaultLazy(defaultForHelp: String = "", crossinline value: () -> EachT): OptionWithValues<EachT, EachT, ValueT>

If the option is not called on the command line (and is not set in an envvar), call the value and use its return value for the option.

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fun <AllT, EachT, ValueT> OptionWithValues<AllT, EachT, ValueT>.deprecated(message: String? = "", tagName: String? = "deprecated", tagValue: String = "", error: Boolean = false): OptionDelegate<AllT>

Mark this option as deprecated in the help output.

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fun <T : CliktCommand> T.eagerOption(vararg names: String, help: String = "", hidden: Boolean = false, helpTags: Map<String, String> = emptyMap(), groupName: String? = null, action: OptionTransformContext.() -> Unit): T
fun <T : CliktCommand> T.eagerOption(names: Collection<String>, help: String = "", hidden: Boolean = false, helpTags: Map<String, String> = emptyMap(), groupName: String? = null, action: OptionTransformContext.() -> Unit): T

Add an eager option to this command that, when invoked, runs action.

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fun RawOption.flag(vararg secondaryNames: String, default: Boolean = false, defaultForHelp: String = ""): OptionWithValues<Boolean, Boolean, Boolean>

Turn an option into a boolean flag.

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Set the help for this option lazily.

Set the help for this option.

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fun <EachT, ValueT> NullableOption<EachT, ValueT>.multiple(default: List<EachT> = emptyList(), required: Boolean = false): OptionWithValues<List<EachT>, EachT, ValueT>

Make the option return a list of calls; each item in the list is the value of one call.

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A flag that doesn't have a default value.

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fun ParameterHolder.option(vararg names: String, help: String = "", metavar: String? = null, hidden: Boolean = false, envvar: String? = null, helpTags: Map<String, String> = emptyMap(), completionCandidates: CompletionCandidates? = null, valueSourceKey: String? = null, eager: Boolean = false): RawOption

Create a property delegate option.

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fun <ValueT : Any> NullableOption<ValueT, ValueT>.optionalValue(default: ValueT, acceptsUnattachedValue: Boolean = true): NullableOption<ValueT, ValueT>

Allow this option to be specified with or without an explicit value.

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fun <ValueT : Any> NullableOption<ValueT, ValueT>.optionalValueLazy(acceptsUnattachedValue: Boolean = true, default: () -> ValueT): NullableOption<ValueT, ValueT>

Allow this option to be specified with or without an explicit value.

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Change this option to take two values, held in a Pair.

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fun OptionWithValues<Boolean, Boolean, Boolean>.prompt(text: String, default: Boolean? = null, uppercaseDefault: Boolean = true, showChoices: Boolean = true, choiceStrings: List<String> = listOf("y", "n"), promptSuffix: String = ": ", invalidChoiceMessage: String = "Invalid value, choose from "): OptionWithValues<Boolean, Boolean, Boolean>
fun <T : Any> NullableOption<T, T>.prompt(text: String? = null, default: T? = null, hideInput: Boolean = false, promptSuffix: String = ": ", showDefault: Boolean = true, requireConfirmation: Boolean = false, confirmationPrompt: String = "Repeat for confirmation", confirmationMismatchMessage: String = "Values do not match, try again"): OptionWithValues<T, T, T>

If the option isn't given on the command line, prompt the user for manual input.

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If the option is not called on the command line (and is not set in an envvar), throw a MissingOption.

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Change to option to take any number of values, separated by a string delimiter.

Change to option to take any number of values, separated by a regex.

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Split this option's value into two with a delimiter.

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fun <T : Any> RawOption.switch(vararg choices: Pair<String, T>): NullableOption<T, String>

Turn an option into a set of flags that each map to a value.

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Convert this option's values from a list of pairs into a map with key-value pairs from the list.

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fun <AllT, EachT, ValueT> NullableOption<EachT, ValueT>.transformAll(defaultForHelp: String? = this.helpTags[HelpFormatter.Tags.DEFAULT], showAsRequired: Boolean = HelpFormatter.Tags.REQUIRED in this.helpTags, transform: AllTransformer<EachT, AllT>): OptionWithValues<AllT, EachT, ValueT>

Transform all calls to the option to the final option type.

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Change the number of values that this option takes.

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Change this option to take three values, held in a Triple.

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Make a multiple option return a unique set of values

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Check the final option value and raise an error if it's not valid.

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fun <ValueT> NullableOption<ValueT, ValueT>.varargValues(min: Int = 1, max: Int = Int.MAX_VALUE): NullableOption<List<ValueT>, ValueT>

Change this option to take a variable number of values.

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inline fun <T : CliktCommand> T.versionOption(version: String, help: String = "Show the version and exit", names: Set<String> = setOf("--version"), crossinline message: (String) -> String = { "$commandName version $it" }): T

Add an eager option to this command that, when invoked, prints a version message and exits.

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Create a copy with a new default value

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Create a copy with a new explicit value